Because I’m lucky

Today I’m giving… because I’m lucky. I may not always realize it, but I am. And therefore, I’m giving a bit of me today.
For me, this giving means it will cost me an evening, which I would otherwise spend on a hobby, or with my family, or both.
It will cost me some energy tomorrow. My average walking speed will be a bit lower, and I will be a bit more tired after the walk, and in general in the evening. This will be for a few days.
But im the lucky one!

I’m lucky! My blood is plenty and very healthy, I have enough, so I can share it! (Truth be said, I even have to share to remain healthy… how’s that for a sharing personality, right!?)

I’m lucky! I have the time to set aside to go donate blood.

I’m lucky! I’ll have a little less energy today and tomorrow, but I have plenty to eat, and can even eat some extra PowerBook to regain the energy soon enough.

I’m lucky! My walking speed may suffer, and my overall fitness level will go down a bit. But I’m still healthy enough, and have two strong legs to make this walking possible.

I’m lucky! I have time and money for hobbies, and a family! And those closest and dearest to me, are still with me! And I will have the opportunity to spend time with them again tomorrow!

So today, I’m giving!
And while giving, I’m helping…

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to or for more info.

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