United States towards a Police state

United States towards a Police state.


In the United States there is a new expression that is giving something to talk about, and it is the use of justice as a weapon, it is related to the idea that we find ourselves under a politicized justice or a two-level legal system, in this system they prosecute you or they leave you alone depending on the political side you are on, but it is really like that and if so what is really behind it.

There is a kind of awe at the world and a state of shock at the idea that bad things could be happening and I think a lot of Americans are like that, for most Americans there has not been a real experience of a police state in this country, then we have that Americans think of police states as those defined by Stalin's coat, Hitler's mustache or Mao's cultural revolution, but we are seeing a police state emerge in this country that has American accents, so to speak. in some way and which presents itself very neatly, in fact it marches behind the banners of saving democracy, maintaining the rule of law and fighting for the truth against disinformation.


To define what a police state is, just look at the police states around the world, look at North Korea, look at China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union and ask yourself what characteristics these police states have in common, do they have surveillance? mass of citizens, they have systematic censorship, they have widespread indoctrination in schools and also in the media, a lot of propaganda, they are also one-party states, this does not mean that they do not have elections, China has elections, Iran has elections but they do not allow an effective opposition .

If an effective opposition leader emerges, they want to silence him, lock him up, do what they can, police states also tend to undermine religious freedom, they have political prisoners and the list could go on, but just follow this list that I just mentioned and ask yourself, isn't it? a fact that today all of these elements are present to some degree in the United States.

I am not saying that the USA is a fully developed police state, in a fully developed police state I could not give an option without the state allowing me to, the USA is on the way to becoming a police state.


This system that is being created has a certain American touch, a unique American identity, and it differs from, for example, China or North Korea, is that this system does not need a reason to violate your rights, you are simply on a list and that's it, in the USA you can't do that and partly because it's not a fully developed police state, but think about a guy like Fauci when covid comes out, fauchi says wow I've been funding this gain of function research in the Wuhan lab, what if people are starting to blame me for all this so i need to basically prove that the virus came from a wet market but fauci is not stalin, fauchi can't just say i'm going to say it came from a wet market and if you say otherwise i will send thugs to hit you, then he has to do a lot of forgery.

Like find some world class virologists, who happen to be on the government payroll, I'm going to commission a study, I'll tell you that if you say this basically your grants are going to continue, you're going to change your mind very conveniently you'll produce the required study, Fauci he sees it in advance, but then he has a press conference and says I just found a study by some world-class virologists obviously doesn't reveal anything about his involvement in the study, it's some kind of Grand Theatric Routine that the American police state puts on scene and what makes this so chilling is that the media and many of those really know that all this is false but they play along they play their role, in the performance they act like courtiers in the French court, their job is to bow genuflect , applaud and do all those things willingly.

So this police state is very scary, because it also extends to the private sector, it involves academies, it involves the media and digital platforms, all three of these institutions are involved, for example, in censorship.


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