They experiment with new viruses in the Wuhan Laboratory.

They experiment with new viruses in the Wuhan Laboratory.


A team of scientists has discovered unknown viruses on an island south of mainland China. Experts are concerned that these pathological agents could end up infecting humans, so they are calling for so-called epidemic prevention experiments to begin.

The striking research was published a few days ago in the scientific journal Virológica Sinica, a part of the editorial board of the Chinese publication is made up of managers and collaborators of the controversial Wuhan virology laboratory, many consider the P4 maximum security laboratory in Wuhan as the origin of the pandemic that ended up imprisoning the world's population in their homes, impoverishing nations and forever disrupting the rules of society.

At the same time, more than 11,000 km away, Dr. Fauci warns that the next and inevitable pandemic is taking away his sleep at night. Mr. Fausi also acquired great prominence during the covid, they even denounced him before Congress and documented that the National Institute of allergies and infectious diseases that he ran had funded experiments to create more lethal and infectious viruses in the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan shortly before the outbreak broke out.

Souce Sheryl Lee also known as the bat woman, in charge of the Wuhan laboratory

And a group of Chinese virologists has discovered eight new viruses on the tropical island of Hainan off the coast of southern China, one of the findings even belongs to the same family as Covid, “scientists” have already warned that The probability that they infect humans is high and they suggest that it has become a crucial task for the survival of the planet to be prepared to combat a future pandemic, so they took about 680 samples of infected rodents and have requested that experiments be carried out to determine the effect they may have on humans.

The new study details that scientists collected 682 samples of the rodents they captured in Hainan over a period of 4 years until 2021, they were classified by territorial location and by species and sent to the laboratory for analysis, the examinations revealed new viruses and even a new coronavirus that they have named CoV-HMU-1.

At the beginning of the “Pandemic” it was reported that Covid-19 came from an animal, specifically a bat, in fact the so-called “leak theory” of the laboratory suggests that Wuhan scientists were experimenting with Covid samples. which they collected in the wild, it is not known how the naturally occurring virus accidentally leaked and infected the population of the mega city and then the world; What is no longer a theory and that is clear, is that the regime facilitated its spread worldwide, hid the outbreak and while it closed cities and highways and canceled domestic flights from Wuhan, (protecting its country), it left the flights operational. from Wuhan to all corners of the world.


In this framework, the former number one in the response to infectious diseases in the United States, Dr. Fauci warns that the world is going to experience another pandemic, the former White House medical advisor assures that it is something Unavoidable, also former director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, the NIAID revealed to Science translational medicine “that his worst nightmare is became a reality with covid and there are many fears that we have not learned the lesson from the point of view of public health.

The situation in his case has changed little, he says that before he had nightmares about Covid and that now he is tormented by the idea that another pathogen with pandemic potential is going to go viral, for Mr. Fauci the new challenge will be to overcome the lack of organizational memory and in not becoming complacent when deaths fall to an acceptable level.

Souce Souce

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