Stay active with quality

Stay active with quality

At first we get bored because there is a direct relationship between sensory stimulation and boredom, what does not stimulate us seems boring to us; For example, if someone calls you and they are really boring then the human being universally always picks up a pen and starts drawing pictures when they are talking to someone who is boring them.

This occurs because the human being systematically needs sensory stimulation, while the edifying, the educational have a more neutral stimulating tone than a bunch of people screaming.

Many people, for example, when they have to work next door, have their cell phone or have something in which I can escape for a few minutes to that world that is more fun than my job, the stimulation has to do with a positive sense, it is like it gives me positive feedback. and that is why sometimes we intersperse moments of work with small moments of leisure, it is the way to be able to return to work charged with energy or with charged batteries, many of us do this, we intersperse boring or stimulating activities.

Don't be surprised!

That has a lot to do with “good” or “bad” people, “good” people do what is best, what is predictable, while “bad” people They are usually unpredictable and unexpected, those that move away from social overtones, from conventions, are always more striking a priori, they are out of the norm, because they keep you in tension by not knowing what is going to happen, there is an implicit surprise what that you don't expect it to overstimulate you and that overstimulation stagnates many.

Boredom is a very unpleasant thing, but up to a certain point, because boring things are for some and not for others, this has nuances, a little bit of boredom I think is even necessary, because modern boredom arose as an adaptive mechanism, when the Man began to overcome the small difficulties of survival, the less time you spend surviving, the more time you have left over.

Quality Activities.

The moment in which the food needs are supplied, more time begins to remain!... for what? then there suddenly arises a human need that I cannot waste time because life is limited, life ends what am I doing here without doing anything, Dreaming, it could be something positive, that would be one of the many positive things.

At a cultural level, a kind of aversion has also been created for that lost, wasted time, which we can take advantage of to think or do different things; and that is why today, we do not allow ourselves to get bored, because of this idea that we are wasting our time and we resort to cell phones and other leisure activities that could be a waste of time; so it's better to stay active and busy; And if you're bored thinking about something you've never thought about.

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