Hidden Beauty in the Garden

I am always looking forward to spring. I wait for my gray and sad little garden (actually my little yard) to enter the torments of making, because after the last snow there is always a birth. Every year nature is reborn with spring.

But after the first work in the garden, with the removal of the damage done by the snow and ice, I retire and let nature do the rest. I like to watch the first blades of grass appear, how the plants that slept during the winter grow. Perennials fall into a sleep-like sleep that turns into a resurrection every spring.

I prefer perennials for horses that do not require special care, they grow from us every year and, with each passing year, they become stronger and more beautiful.


The rose is one of the best examples. May is the time when they start to bloom and do not stop until the first snow falls on them. This is the first rose to bloom in my yard.


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Apart from roses, however, there are a lot of flowers, smaller or larger that bloom, often hidden by the abundantly grown vegetation due to spring rains.




After seeing the garden come back to life ... my busy life made me pay less attention to what was going on behind the door. The hectic life and daily problems made me not see, even though I was looking. The silent flowers saw their life, sometimes very short without waiting for my attention. Suddenly I saw beauty everywhere ...



I was about to miss the moment. Just as I lost most of the years when my son was very young, he had just come into life and I lost the moments when he discovered the world, every day. I later realized that I don't remember his childhood. My son saved me now that he made me a grandfather. I sit daily with my granddaughter and watch it grow, discover the world. It's fascinating!


My granddaughter, Ilinca. Another flower!

I return to my flowers in the garden, ignored for the first time. Now I'm trying to fix this.




I forgot many of these flowers and now real revelations seeing that they exist in my garden. On other flowers, which I saw every day, I got so used to them being there that I didn't even notice when their time passed and they disappeared. There is this danger, to get so used to someone next to you that you do not notice a change until that someone disappears.




The beauty of these flowers reminded me of the danger of letting life pass me by, of being used to knowing that my loved ones are by my side so that I no longer give them the attention they deserve. Only because life is so hectic and draws us into its traps. I have to stop, rest, meditate and enjoy the loved ones around me. Starting or ending with my granddaughter, Ilinca. As she now announces that this post is over.




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