Love Yourself


I never understood what "live within your means" really meant. Over the years I had been hearing it but it just passes through my ears and the next breeze whisks it away.

But then;

You know how you're living your life and all of a sudden, a sentence you've heard practically your whole life begins to make sense to you. Nobody explained it, it just began to make sense, probably because you've grown.

Dear You, you have nothing to prove to anyone by living beyond your means. You cannot live the life of a millionaire while you're a thousaniare. That's not how life works. I know we live in a world where there's so much pressure because of the things we see others achieve, they look successful, they look like they've arrived, so you want to look like that as well because you think that's what's obtainable at that age...

Who set the margin??
Who said it's a must that you're married before thirty??
Who said it's a must that you own a car before 25??
Who said you must have a running company of your own before 27??
Who said you must have all your kids before 35??
Who said you must own a house before 40??
Who said you must carry the latest iPhone at 20??

All these unnecessary pressure we unknowingly give ourselves is choking us.

You need to understand, that you should chisel your life to run within the amount of money or resources you have. Trying to look rich when you're not is foolishness. You end up piling debt which will make life very uncomfortable for you.

Remember you only have one slot in this life. You only live once. You pass through every stage of your life once. Go through it, with contentment.

I assure you that if you know how to arrange your needs within your budget, you'll live your most peaceful life.
If you quit looking at other persons and concentrate on building your own life at your own pace, you'll live your most peaceful life.
If you stop using the successes of random persons on social media as your yardstick, especially persons you don't know what their source is... You'll live your most peaceful life.

You don't need to prove nothing to anybody. No one will pay you for living beyond your means.

Psalm 37 vs 4

Delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give you thee the desires of thine heart.

Do as your power reach and not to do pass yourself.

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