My Account got hacked and Hive Stolen from account

Hi Everyone a terrible news, just now I got to know about it. My account got hacked and the person stole funds from my account. I was away for some time, busy, and not checking my wallet.

I got some notification about an HBD transfer, not the one where the hacker transferred funds. Then I checked my account and got to know that 2 days before, some HIVE/HBD was transferred. And my HBD savings were almost empty.

Then I quicky opened my wallet and changed my password. I thought there is no need to change pass and its secure because I was not aware of where from the account was created (I almost created this account long back just some day and used later)
I don't remember the source but the recovery account is steempress-io (I will change later) so I think its same related to steem, as a lot of accounts were hacked before as well.


So, in total the account @sepa666 stole 69.32 HIVE and 4.793 HBD from my account. There was even one Savings withdrawal directly to his account for 47.810 HBD which I cancelled today, just in time.

Screenshot from 2023-12-23 00-57-30.png

It's almost twice the amount that was stolen, so I was at least able to save 60% funds.

So, Please check and change your password, if you also think your account was created similarly. I had my keys saved only in keychain and no where else, not even in my browser. So don't know how the account got hacked. Luckily the keys were not changed, and I was able to change my password.

So, I can say, the hack can be done because of the stored keys from the time of account creation. As my account was small that time, the hack only happened at this time.

@hivewatchers please check this account. He is sending all the funds to another chain account @bdhivesteem

Everyone please be careful and change your keys regularly and keep them safe.


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