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Why and how on hive || Newbies initiative task


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I've got to say, I'm really glad to be a part of the newbies initiative. A big thanks to @starstrings01, @eddiespino, @projectmamabg and all others who have made the newbies initiative possible. There was a discord meeting about 2 weeks ago. I could not attend because my battery was low, but thankfully there was a recording. I have watched the recording, and I learnt a lot of things. I regret not being able to attend and can't wait for the next one. We were also given a task to answer some questions afterwards. So here goes.

Why must you avoid plagiarism

Incase you don't know what plagiarism is, it is simply using someone else's work without giving them credit for it. When you post on hive you get monetary rewards for the post, so if you use someone else's photo or even exact words, you are basically stealing from the person. Luckily for us, we have the hivewatchers who scan through posts making sure it's not plagiarised. So If you have plagiarised before, knowingly or unknownwingly I advice you to not do it again as It attracts downvotes. If at all you must use someone's work you must give them credit by sourcing. And also it must not be more than 30 percent of your post.

How do you source a text or image on Hive

As I said above you have to give credit to someone when you use their work, how? By sourcing. Sourcing is simply a way of giving credit to someone when you use their work. They are various ways of sourcing. Depending on what you are sourcing. If you are sourcing a text you can use the > sign in front of the sentence without leaving space then you put - sign and write the person who said the sentence. It would look something like this

With great power comes great responsibility - Spiderman

Then if it's a picture or a video under you write in this format [source] (link). Note, don't leave a space in between like I did. If you do it properly it will look like this source

Why should you not tag numerous people on your post?

Tagging too much people on a post is known as spamming. And spamming can be very annoying to people, especially if they do not know you or have no business reading your posts. If you tag numerous people (especially if they are not interested in seeing your post) you will most likely get downvotes. So please avoid spamming.

Why you should not publish the same articles numerous times?

This is quite simple, if you post the same thing over and over again it loses its satisfaction. This reminds me of the law of marginal utility in economics (I never thought I'd have any reason to ever state this again. I guess it's not wasted knowledge after all) states that

all things being equal, as consumption increases, the marginal utility derived from each additional unit declines

Meaning the more you give someone the same thing the less the person values it. So if you publish the same article multiple times it won't be valuable anymore.

What is the acceptable amount of articles you can publish per day?

Well, from the video the answer is about 4 times (if you able to create 4 quality posts a day you are definitely a genius) . But for me it's twice a day.

What is the important of engagement?

Engagement is very important and has various advantages. First off, it increases your visibility. When you comment there's a high probability someone will view your profile (I do it a lot of times) and if the person likes your post they upvote it and even follow you so they can see your future posts. It also builds relationships. Relationships are very important anywhere. When you connect with people, you can all help each other with information, support, advice and so much more. So if you don't engage,i advice you to

What other points did you learn from the video?

I learnt quite a lot really. I learnt the meaning of C.T.P (Click Track Profit), I learnt how to center my text, I also learnt how to use dividers. I can't wait for the next meeting.

Well that's it thank you for reading