Newbies Initiative Task : Questions about Dapps


This image was made by me using canva

Hello everyone, If you've read a few of my previous posts, you'll know that I'm currently undergoing a training program here on hive, called the newbies initiative program where we are trained about the inner workings of hive for three months and also given tasks to test our knowledge of what we've learned so far. So today I'll be answering a few questions set for me by newbies-hive.

Before I'd begin I'd like to thank @starstrings01, @eddiespino @projectmamabg, @aliento and all other people who make the newbies initiative a possibility. I'm truly grateful.


Okay, so the first question

Which Dapps do you use and why?

Personally, I use three Dapps.

Most of the time I use ecency, majorly because it's an app and I receive notifications in real time as long as my data is on. I also like the color blue a lot so that's another reason. There's also the ecency points I get when I use the app to do basic operations like posting, commenting,and upvoting. I can then use those points to promote posts(make them more visible) and even recommend them for an ecency upvote.



I recently started using Peakd a lot more often when I realized it had a lot more features. One of the features I really like is the ability to customize your feed. You can even create a list of people you like and choose to view only their posts at that time. Then, there's the fact that you can trade your layer 2 tokens directly from the Peakd interface, how cool is that.


The third dapp I use is

Asides growing my hive power, I've also been focusing on growing my brain power (staked POB). So I often use (proof of brain interface) to check my balances. I've also just started using it to post whenever I want to post in the proofofbrain community because the 10% fee for posting in the community has been increased to 20% when you don't use their front-end.


How do you see Hive now compared to when it was still steem? how much has the platform changed as a new user?

I wasn't here since the days of steem, but I've been privileged to have heard the full gist concerning why hive forked from steem (that's story for another day).
From what I heard there was very little support to newbies, and gaining visibility was very difficult. Starstrings also said that there were no communities, so finding posts wasnt always easy. Only those who had been there earlier were getting support. But thankfully here on hive they're communities, and they're projects like Ocd, Appreciator and a lot of others who go around looking for quality posts to curate.


What are the benefits of using Peakd?

Like I've said earlier you can customize your feed anyhow you want, you can trade your layer two tokens directly from the app, you can also give tips incase it's past payout and you're still interested in the post. You can check your analytics and know how active you've been, you can use it to delegate your hive power, you can create a collection of posts, you can view badges,and a lot more. I'm yet to fully use all the Peakd features.


What are the benefits of using Ecency?

The fact that ecency has an app makes it easy to use. Loading times when going back is reduced, receiving notifications to your phone, and all the general ease that comes from having a mobile app. Then there's the ecency points that can be used to promote and boost posts. I also find their post editor quite easy to use.


What are the benefits about using Hive blog?

I don't use a lot but once in a while I use the market function to convert hive to hbd and vice-versa. I've also used block trades to buy a little hivepower delegation once or twice. Starstrings also said in the video that you can recover your other keys on as long as you have your master password.


What is 3speak?

3speak is another hive front-end. But it focuses on only video content. Much like a decentralized YouTube, you upload your video content for all to see, and you get rewarded in hive irrespective of the number of followers.


What are the benefits about using 3speak?

When you upload your video to 3speak, if it's a quality video you get a juicy upvote from the 3speak team


How do you earn upvotes on 3speak? What are the key requirements?

The major criteria to get upvotes is that your videos are of high quality, and are able to compel others to watch them.


How much videos you must make to get noticed?

In the video starstrings said that the amount of videos you make doesn't necessarily matter its the quality that matter.


What is the best length for a video to get the maximum of the votes?

There's really no best length of video, but as long as it's above a minute and it's quality, it should be enough.


Are videos made like presentation and human voice successful?

It really doesn't matter the format you use, as long as your content is original. But I think people prefer human voice to the robot voice.


Is it hard to become a vlogger?

Though at times it may seem hard for people who don't do it, vlogging is just as easy as writing content.


Everything sounds great, now how to make an account and run it?

Your 3speak and hive account are connected so you only need to create one. Incase you don't have any, all you need to do is go to hiveonboard and create an account. To be able to interact you'll need resource credits, which you can only have if you have hivepower. So you can ask whoever onboarded you for a hivepower delegation or you can go to Gift giverand apply for a hivepower delegation.


this photo was made by @projectmamabg



Thank you for reading this post, your support, feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated. Have a great day/night.

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