Proof of Brain Photo Contest - Rain (4pics)

Greetings friends.

This week's POB photo challenge theme by @friendlymoose is A RECENT PHOTO. You can see the RULES HERE

4 hours ago, I looked out my office window and saw a thunderstorm approaching us.
We have started a real summer. It started very abruptly. Last weekend, the temperature rose to +30 degrees. My body wasn't ready for such a change yet. By the way, I was in the north of the country for 4 days, 1200 km from home. There, such a change in temperature was especially sharply felt. There was snow in the forest in those parts 2 weeks ago.

It seems that the Lord God himself pours water on our heads from huge buckets, or maybe from a watering machine from heaven.
When was it raining in our city last time? I can't even remember. It must have been May 12th. And it wasn't rain, it was snow. I showed pictures of birds in those days.

It rained for about an hour. It was making noise outside the window, then completely quieted down and gained strength again. And then a cloud hovered over the city and continues to hang in one place to this day. The wind died down, there was a complete calm.
By the way, our office will be moving to another location soon and it will be on the first floor. Will it be better or worse there? I don't know.


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Good luck and have fun

[//]:# (!pinmapple 58.58505 lat 49.62409 long Proof of Brain Photo Contest - Rain (4pics) d3scr)

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