Keep Fit & Strong...or... Get That Way...

Did you know that physical exercise helps improve brain function? So, if you're already smart, working out can make you even smarter. If you're dumb, well... it can help in that regard too.

I'm not interested in getting into all the scientific details as to how this is possible; but, if you're adamant about finding out, USE A FREAKIN SEARCH ENGINE (There... I said it...!!!)


Some people hate bloggers like me who omit evidence, or links to studies that support their claims. I really don't care, if you're that type... You're probably as lazy as I am, not taking the time to look shit up for yourself😏

Exercise can also improve your mood, sense of self-worth, relieve stress and a bunch of stuff like that too. It has something to do with the release of Feel-Good chemicals from various organs of the body, upon the brain signaling such activity. (Look it up for yourself... if you don't believe me)

I really don't care if you believe me or not. It works for me and a hundred million, thousand, quad-trillion other people who experienced such a phenomena over many centuries on planet Earth.

Would you rather I get technical, confusing and boring by citing the science behind such claims, or do you want the straight, experienced truth, in an easy, light-hearted and entertaining manner?


I've studied this stuff from about the age of twelve. Biology became my favorite academic course of study, once exposed to it in High School. Hell... it was the first and only class that I ever submitted material for extra credit (Yes...I liked it that much)

Later in life, I ran a gym and served as a personal trainer. One of my college jaunts, was within the field of health science. For these reasons, you can trust in whatever I, ever say, about anything... at any time... for eternity...!!!

ANYWAYzzzzzzzzzz......... This is all besides the point... especially since I forgot what my point was going to be.

Today was a good day at the Gym. It was back and leg day for me. I do a split routine. Some of you know what that is; the rest of you can go and Google it... you might learn something worth knowing😎

Basically, a split routine is when someone trains different body-parts on separate days, rather than the entire body in one day. It's mostly practiced by people who train with weights and intensely...

Otherwise, you'd have to spend about four to six hours in the gym on workout days, and reach a point within that period of time, where you're burnt out and just going through the motions. (A waste of time and energy)


As you can probably tell from the pictures, this gym is not the prettiest or most modern... it's kind of old and grungy... but, at least it has all the right equipment for a Heavy Duty workout.

If you're not into getting huge muscles and extreme strength, then you don't have to concern yourself with any of this heavy duty type training... At least get to a gym or Fitness Center and start doing something...

It doesn't matter what age you are; it's truly... "never too late" to make improvements to your health.

Modern day Fitness Centers have all the machines you need to whip your ass in shape. You never even have to lift a plate to the mechanized monsters... they've all got a weight-stack with a sectorizing pin you pull out and insert at the point you want.


Well, my friends... that's about all I have to say for now. I'll check in with you down the road a piece.

Stay well, or get that way.



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