What do you choose?

This world, our world, is one full of choices. Not only can we choose what we want to eat, drink or do from a very early age, we also make various choices later on: who our partner will be, what kind of job we will have and what we will do and not do in our old days.

If it were up to us, we would also prefer to choose the moment we die. However, most people just don't wanna die I guess.

But, all the things I mentioned above are all things outside of us.
What we are often not aware of is that we ourselves also choose what kind of person we are: what is our attitude, how empathetic are we and much more.

For example, are you someone who complains all the time about what doesn't go well or do you put your focus on what does go well?
These things seem crazy, but are actually much more important than the choices we make in our material world.

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Are you positive-minded or do you just sit around all the time bitching that nothing ever goes right?

Are you someone who always reacts angrily or do you take a few deep breaths before you answer someone who actually irritates you?

Well, we don't always can control it, you would probably say. And that is true.
Childhood traumas, failed relationships, hurt trust and more often make us lose ourselves and then it seems like we can't choose who and what we are. Actually, we are all on earth to heal.
There is not one soul that does not need to heal. Some people go through less, others more, but we as adults do always have something that needs to be processed.

Still, we should choose to stay positive in the midst of it all.
Remember: we attract what we are.

So if you sit around all the time complaining that nothing is going right, then you will also attract things that will not go right.

It is not easy, but therefore always try to extract the positive from every situation. Try to be grateful for the struggles, because they make you stronger.

An attitude of gratitude is much better than any other attitude.
Make a choice about who you want to be. Do you want to stay surrounded in the grief you are already in?
Or do you say: No, I choose to stay positive so I can attract positivity?

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Thank you for reading.

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