A Celebration of "King Kamehameha Day" Topical Event 👑 in Hawaii

King Kamehameha Day, is a pretty big deal in Hawaii, as it falls on the 11th June. This topical event celebrates the accomplishments of “Kamehameha the Great.” He’s credited with uniting the Hawaiian Islands in 1810. A highly revered leader. Kamehameha is honored each year with numerous celebrations across the islands.

Downtown Honolulu hosts one such celebration, where hundreds of leis, at least 30 feet long, are draped over the a 15-foot statue of the celebrated ruler. Other celebrations include parades, a plethora of floral arrangements and, of course, the traditional Hawaiian hula.

Below is some historical INFO about Today's event...

Kamehameha remained in power until his death in 1819. Other than his conquering of the islands, his reign was a progressive one for Hawaii. His governing practice followed the ancient rules and laws of kapu. He also established new laws like ‘Kānāwai Māmalahoe,’ which protected travelers as well as those who were defenseless. A refined version of this principle also became a part of the Hawaiian state constitution in 1978.

Kamehameha’s son Liholiho was the successor to the throne and took on the title of Kamehameha II. He died five years later and was succeeded by his brother Kauikeaouli, who took the throne as Kamehameha III.

Above "Text Source" Info from [here]

  • The National Calendar Website Link [here] (for even more INFO).

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Above Image "Screen Shot" sourced from [here]

Now for some appropriate Music...

In the year 2020, A "Kamehameha" inspired Movie was started, with the filming of "The King," starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. At the moment this Movie production is paused due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, my song choice is "King" by UB40 (from the 1980's album "Signing off") simply as it is one of my many favorite Reggae songs. Enjoy...

My Song Selection For Today is: "King" by ©UB40 on ©YouTube

Above Music Video Source: ©YouTube [Here]

Also notice that the special Twitter "hash tag" #KingKamehamehaDay is currently trending!

So you can start interacting with many others on Today's topical event, by Tweeting there NOW!...

Many Thanks for reading and listening, I hope that you all learned something new and were entertained. As we all need to keep our brains active!

see you all again very soon... 👋

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