Wrong priority or lack of time, that's the question

"My life is so busy I don't even have time to exercise" Who has never heard such a phrase in their lives? But after all, is it really lack of time or different priorities?


All of us humans have the exact 24 hours a day, the only one different is that each person has the power to choose what to do with the time. Some sell their time, others prioritize their health, others the family, others prefer to live in balance.

Each one makes their choices...

In fact, the lack of time is often the lack of priority, because we are emphasizing the things that are not necessary.

Time passes and doesn't come back, that's why we have to make better use of our time, because life doesn't wait, it just passes. It is not wrong to take priority in life, what is wrong is to give priority to things that are just an option.

We can portray a lack of time when we are committed to making our priorities and dreams come true, otherwise not.

Perhaps, the lack of time is just a matter of priority, unfortunately it is a pure reality. What is a priority cannot be left for later, nor put aside, we must always be on the to-do list and do without excuses.

When there are priorities... time is made!

If it's a priority, you'll definitely find time to do the ordered activities.

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