UFO no show - blog

2019 the US Navy filmed “PYRAMID” shaped UFOs; here is that footage.mp4.Still002.jpg

I am sure you have all seen this UFO video released by the Pentagon of the triangular craft flying over some freedom bringing warship. Well, since Captain Disillusion isn't stepping up to the challenge I have decided that I am going to debunk this easily debunkable video.

Mission accepted

Now, as far as UFOs go I believe in them. They can be anything really. If you can't identify it and it is flying then, there you go, you've seen one too. I have witnessed a few in my lifetime and also a few USOs (unidentified Swimming objects) but they are out of the scope of this post. If I do see something weird I don't usually go straight to the, that was an alien hypothesis. I prefer to use science to try and identify it. Was it a bird? was it a plane? could it in fact be a superman? I will use the scientific method of doing a google search but, in this case, there were no results.

Although I do believe there are aliens in the universe (somewhere) and I am open to the possibility that they may have visited earth, I lack compelling evidence. So if you were under the assumption that this is video is proof well, ladies and gentlemen it's not. It's a trick of the light.

Movie magic

It is a simple lens flare and an effect caused by the shape of the aperture inside the lens and the bright light bouncing around.

The aperture in a lens is that hole made from several leaves of thin metal that is modelled on the iris of our eye, It can enlarge or contract to control how much light can enter and how much of the image is in focus.


Here is one such aperture from a lens, They usually have more sides than just three and you can see the shape imprinted on photos when the sun catches the lens at a certain angle displaying a hex/octagonal halo called a lens flare. If you defocus an image you can see that bright lights also display this shape and it is lovingly called Bokeh.
Mystery solved!

2019 the US Navy filmed “PYRAMID” shaped UFOs; here is that footage.mp4.Still003.jpg

But don't take my word for it. Let us analyst the video a bit more, Obviously, the video is filmed through the eyepiece of some sort of night vision scope as the framing seems to move around. The quality is quite poor, which is perfect for a UFO video, (or a bigfoot video for that matter). This is the original video released by Jeremy Corbell who is film maker[Sic] and it was from some sort of whistleblower. Looks like Wikileaks didn't get this scoop. Although, with their founder being arbitrarily detained that's understandable. So, it is left to the great Jeremy to break this very important story.

In the video, you can see an in-focus flag poll which leads me to strongly suggest that the Alien spaceships are out of focus displaying that much-loved Bokeh which I have earlier mentioned.

2019 the US Navy filmed “PYRAMID” shaped UFOs; here is that footage.mp4.Still006.jpg

You can also make out other triangles as lens flares with the bouncing light inside the lens.

To put one final nail in the coffin of this story, just look what I saw out my window just now. There is a whole fleet of them coming to probe me. Should I be scared?...

Or, should I just take off this paper filter I added to the front of my camera lens?

I can't believe that nobody within the ranks of the Pentagon can see that this is an anomaly of the device that is capturing a bright light and not some sort of strangely shaped craft. The conspiracy theorist in me could be forgiven for thinking that they know exactly how this phenomenon is caused and are more than happy to have the public thinking it is unexplained. There have been many of these UFO stories in the media in the last few months with Jeremy Corbell popping up to explain how real they are on mainstream media. I have the feeling that just like a magician, drawing our attention to one hand, it is what they are doing with the other which we should be keeping an eye on.

Tell me I am completely wrong down in the comments, especially if you work for the government.

But now, I'm afraid it is time for me to go kids. There is a toddler in Belarus who has lost her teddy bear... Remember, love with your heart, use your head for everything else. (Captain Disillusion reference)

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