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The SuperKids of 21st Century ! The Mobile Phone ADDICTION...and...Preventive Solutions !!!


Ohhh...Boiii...its enough now!!! Leave the mobile phone...please ! You have spent so much time on it...take a break!!! You eyes will hurt...its way too much of screen-time now !!! Stop it...immediately ! Are you listening !!! I am telling you...Just enough! Please Stop it...Gimme the phone...Am gonna put it in the locker...OMG !!! This is so usual conversation probably in each and every !!! Mobile phones have definitely changed the World either way...some good and some bad !!! But it does have detrimental effects on children! It cannot be ruled out !!!

Try these


In today's digital age, #smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. It is not just adults but children too who are glued to their #mobile #phones, in such a way that they are somehow totally #addicted to them. Its actually a dangerous practice for these #children and impacting their #overall well being.


While technology has made life easier and more accessible, overuse of #mobile phones can have #detrimental effects on the #physical and #mental health of #children.


#Parents, therefore, need to take control of the situation and limit their children's screen time. In this article, we will discuss some #effective #measures that #parents can take to cut down their #child's #screen #time.


Set clear boundaries

The first step in #limiting #screen #time is to set clear boundaries. Parents should sit down with their #children and have an open and honest conversation about the amount of time they spend on their mobile phones. It is essential to set a limit on the amount of time children spend on their devices each day, and this limit should be non-negotiable. The boundary should be communicated effectively to the #child, and they should be aware of the #consequences of breaking the rule.


Lead by example

#Parents need to set an example for their #children by limiting their screen time too. Children often mirror their parents' behaviour, and if parents are always on their phones, their #children are likely to follow suit. Parents should set aside time each day to engage with their children and participate in #activities that do not involve #screens.


Encourage outdoor activities

Spending time outdoors is essential for the #physical and #mental #development of #children. Encourage children to participate in #outdoor activities such as #sports, #cycling, or simply playing outside. Parents should take the initiative to plan outdoor activities and ensure that their children are engaged in them regularly.

Create a technology-free zone

Create a designated area in the house that is #technology-free. This area can be used for activities such as #reading, board games, or other non-screen activities. Having a designated area helps to create a boundary and reminds #children that there are other activities they can engage in besides using their #phones.

Use parental control apps

There are several #parental #control #apps available that can help #parents limit their child's screen time. These apps allow parents to set time limits on specific apps and websites and even track their child's #phone #usage. Using these #apps can be an effective way to manage screen time and ensure that children are not spending too much time on their #devices.


Make screen time productive

If children are going to spend time on their #devices, it is essential to make it productive. Encourage children to use #educational #apps or watch #educational #videos. This way, #children can learn while still using their devices.


Set a routine

Having a routine is essential in managing #screen-time. Parents should set specific times for when #children can use their #devices and for how long. It is also essential to establish a routine for other activities such as #homework, meal times, and #bedtime.

Monitor your child's online activity

It is crucial to monitor your child's online activity to ensure that they are not accessing inappropriate content. Parents should have access to their child's phone and regularly check their browsing history and messages. It is also important to have open #communication with #children and #educate them about #online #safety.

Limiting #screen-time for children is #essential for their #physical and #mental #well-being.

Parents need to take control of the situation by setting clear boundaries, leading by example, encouraging outdoor activities, creating technology-free zones, using parental control apps, making screen time productive, setting routines, and monitoring their child's online activity.

By following these measures, parents can ensure that their children are using their #devices responsibly and are engaging in #activities that promote their overall #development.

Meticulously follow these to create and Impact !!!

Encourage them to engage in other activities

Children are more likely to accept preventive measures if they are encouraged to engage in other activities. Encourage your child to participate in sports, arts and crafts, or other #hobbies that they enjoy. This will help to divert their attention away from #screens and reduce their overall screen time.

Involve them in the decision-making process

Involve your child in the #decision-making process when it comes to limiting their screen time. Ask for their input and listen to their concerns. This will help them to feel like they have some control over the situation and are more likely to accept the #preventive measures.

Make screen time a reward

Instead of allowing your child #unlimited #screen-time, make it a reward for good behaviour or completing tasks. For example, you could allow them to use their #device for an hour after they have completed their #homework or chores. This will help to reinforce positive behaviour and reduce their overall screen time.

Create a routine

Creating a #routine for screen time can help to make it more manageable and easier for children to follow. Set specific times for when your child can use their device and for how long. Stick to this routine, and your child is more likely to accept the preventive measure.

Encourage family time

Encourage family time that does not involve screens. For example, you could have a family #game night or go for a walk together. This will help to strengthen family bonds and create positive memories that your child will cherish.

Provide alternatives

Provide alternatives to screen time that your child will enjoy. This could be anything from reading a book to playing with toys. Having alternative activities that are enjoyable will make it easier for your child to accept the preventive measures.

Set an example

Set an example for your child by limiting your own screen time. Children often mimic their parents' behaviour, and if you are limiting your own screen time, your child is more likely to accept the preventive measures.

There are several preventive measures that children will happily accept to reduce their screen time. Encourage them to engage in other activities, involve them in the decision-making process, make screen time a reward, create a routine, encourage family time, provide alternatives, and set an example.

By implementing these measures, parents can help their children develop #healthy #habits around screen time and promote their overall well-being.

Thank You!


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