POBphotocontest: SUN

Hello everyone, here is my entry to the POBphotocontest for the week with the theme: SUN.

One of the best gift given to man by God is the SUN. Ever wondered how the world will be without the sun? Horrible to say the least.

The sun is a natural heater that soothes all living things. It also ensures that plants produce food for us, that is, photosynthesis. It also warms animals althrough the season.

The first picture of the sun was taken by me on my way back from work. The suna was receding for the day, if you may say so.

You can also see how it positions itself in between the branches of the coconut tree. That's amazing indeed.

The illuminating colour of the sun is also amazing. God is indeed a wonderful being. And with these images I've completed my entry for this week's edition of the #pobphotocontest.

All images are mine which I captured with my Android smartphone.

This is my entry in the #POBPhotocontest. To take part in the contest please check out the details in the contest link HERE

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