
Whenever the year is about to come to an end people tend to appraise their conducts and activities and then set a goal or standard for the upcoming year. This in essence forms the basis of their operations and/or inter-personal relationships for the new year. This has become what is known as and called "New Year Resolution".

It is a set of conducts or behaviour an individual agrees to regulate his lifestyle for the coming year. Normally, such decisions are always made and/or taken on the first day of the year.


The pertinent question that comes to mind therefore is: "These New Year Resolution, Do They Really Work"? Do people abide by them? If yes, what motivates them to stick to the resolutions and if no, why do people break them and return to their old ways?


There are certain reasons and factors that make people most times either to stick with these resolutions and turn a new leaf or break them and return to their old ways. This will form the basis of our discourse herein.

Let us take for instance, a man who smokes (a habitual smoker). On the first day of the year he resolves to quit smoking and even go public about it. Then after just 4 days into the new year he goes back to his old habit! In essence the new year resolution goes into the thin air. Now to that individual, the game is up.


Now, for one to stick with these resolutions one needs to observe or exhibit and imbibe the following attitude' namely:



The ability to continue to do something despite some difficulties, failures, obstacles or opposition. To endure is to persevere. Be steadfast. This is the first step to ensure that your new year resolutions come to fruition. One needs to forge ahead even if the resolution is broken after some days into the new year. Old habits, they say, is always difficult to break. But with determination and perseverance you will overcome all. A smoker for instance who breaks the resolution to quit smoking after a few days into the new year should not give up. Such a person should persevere; be steadfast. When you try at first and you don't succeed do not give up. Try again. That's the spirit of a champion. Nothing good comes easy. Endurance is indeed necessary so as to achieve your stated objectives.

Cut off (avoid) Some Friends:


Some friends are also obstacles to the ability of a person to stick with the new year resolution or break it and return to their old ways. For instance, if a person wants to quit smoking, the person should cut off and or avoid his smoking pals because if he is with them there is every tendency of them leading him taste at least a stick...and from there a pack and then the old habit returns.



This is also necessary if one really need to stick with his new year resolutions. The almighty is always there for us. He knows our problems even before we make it known to him in prayers. Commune with the almighty and ask him to help, guide and lead you to leave a new life via the new year resolutions and watch him guide you all through.

When you take these few steps you will see that your new year resolutions will not falter. Again, you will also see that new year resolutions really work. They are no fluke at all. It is my honest believe that when these few simple steps are applied the result will be massive with no regrets at all.


Thanks for reading my blog. Feel free to interact by using the comment section below. Wishing all of us a prosperous new year.

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