Could This Be Normal?

Good evening fellow Hivians. Happy new week to us all. This is November and ordinarily down this part of the globe it is expected that the rains will subside to mark the beginning of the dry season. And by December, the harmattan is also expected to set in and last till the beginning of the new year, that is January.


But it is curious to know that the rains have refused to subside even in November!!! Since the beginning of the month of November, we have been having intense and regular sunshine which is ordinarily expected. That is always the way November is...the beginning of the dry season.


Today however, just like every other day in this month of November, the weather was clement and the sun shining bright. But all of a sudden the weather became cloudy and it was obvious that the rain will fall.


And within a space of minutes the clouds continued to get thicker and thicker with the rain gathering to fall. The rain did fall and it was a heavy downpour; a downpour in November!!!






I now paused and wondered, what could be the reason for all these? We know that it is the almighty God that determines times and seasons. But he has given us two seasons here (rainy season which starts from Feb/March till October; and dry season which starts from November till late February).

But times and seasons have changed and this could be attributed to no other but climate change. It has altered the cause of nature. Our seasons have changed and no longer follow the pattern we have known for years. With this constant rains that started as early as February this year, it will portend both good and bad for us all.

For instance, it will ensure that we have leaves and vegetables all through the year. The environment will remain greenish and lively. But there is also a bad side to it. Farm produce such as yams will greatly be affected as it requires enough sunshine to flourish. If the rains become heavy till late in the year, as we have it now, the tubers will be affected. Even cassava too will be adversely affected; by extension all tubers. Other crops like tomatoes are not left behind.


Even aquatic lives are not spared too. Crayfish and crabs will be difficult to collect as too much water will push them to retreat further inwards thus making them unavailable to the fishermen. In general, all portends danger for mankind as we all know their importance in cooking meals and all that. Scarcity breads inflation in prices.



Climate change is a product of man's adverse activities on earth. We should try and live a sustainable lifestyle so as to preserve the balance the ecosystem has enjoyed for years now. These changes in times and seasons are affecting mankind in an adverse way. I am an advocate of sustainable living. Let us learn how to recycle and compost. Choose products that are eco-friendly. Reduce litter generation and avoid too much use of plastics. Let us preserve the earth as it is ours to plough, not to plunder.

Thanks for reading my blog. I welcome comments and observations too.

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