The ground floor - Proof of Brain project

Proof of Brain

When I first read about "proof of brain" I thought to myself that this was a really good long term project. The inflation rate continues to be cut in half, meaning that it will become more scarce as time goes on. The other not worthy thing about this project is that no coins were created for the "team". Only one token was created to start the staking process and all P.O.B. tokens are minted through the blogging, commenting and curating mechanics already present on the Hive blockchain.

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(image from

This is the ground floor.

If there was ever a time to be active in a project, it is early on. If I were involved in the "ninja-mine" on steem, or blogging really early on when only @dan and a few people in the know were dolling out initial upvotes, I would have a much larger stake in Hive right now.

I look at my CUB finance portfolio and I am thankful that I put a bunch of my assets on there on day 1. As it stands I have earned some serious CUB from my farming. I got in early and it appears that I am being rewarded for it. It will feel more like a reward when there is mass adoption and CUB has 1 billion dollars locked into the ecosystem. I am counting on it.

It really shows that early adoption can be very lucrative if you are in on a legitimate project. I was in very early on Splinterlands and I was rewarded very well for that. I can see the writing on the wall on CUB already. I didn't get involved in LEO as early as I should have, but I was airdropped a dolphins share and was glad to have the stake, but really regretted missing the early bus on leofinance. I won't miss the bus on POB!

Proof of Brain is the ground floor. Blog now, get the biggest rewards that you can, as inflation will go down, and interest in the project will go up... both will lower your share of POB tokens. The good news is, as the amount of tokens you receive for your involvement go down, the amount of value ineach of these tokens should outweigh that fact.

Think about LeoFinance early on. The tokens were pennies and involvement was low. Now, everyone is on LeoFinance and the amount of LEO people get for a post reward is low, but, each LEO token is over $1. That is growth!!!

This is what I see happening with P.O.B.

Stake your tokens, hold onto them. They will be much more valuable soon. Although... it seems I don't need to tell you this. As I am writing this, nearly 88% of POB tokens are staked!!! That is INSANE how little liquidity there is in this token. EVERYONE can see how this project is going to explode. People talk about LEO hodlers as diamond handed... it appears that the proof of brainers are the same mindset.

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Well, I am here to say that I am interested in this project. I bought 10 tokens on Hive-Engine and staked them day 1. I received my first contract tokens today from upvoting some of @shortsegments posts and that reminded me that I bought some stake the day I saw the token come onto Hive-Engine and reminded me to get involved in the project. Hi. I am now involved in the Proof of Brain project.

I am also a big BULL on this project. It is going up, there is only one way that it can go.

That's it for now. Comment and start up a conversation. I am happy to get into it.

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