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I like that...

I like that the platform is always moving forward and improving as the days go by but for the life of me I think the hardforks and improvements are coming in thick and fast.


I am serious when I say this because I think that with the amount of hard forks within a year is too much for me to get my head in. I am not a genius like some of the folks here. I am all for hard forks that are occurring for improving security of the blockchain but the actual adding and subtracting of blockchain abilities I think it is far too fast.

I cant follow what exactly is happening. We are basically in the whims of the people that know what is going on in the hard fork changes other than what is being announced. I cannot read code. I know that there are tons of smart people here that do know and can even write them themselves. The amount of code I would say is like reading the rosetta stones or the complete bible in one sitting. If an expert has to go through the changes.

I would say please oh please can we have only one a year. Unless its a security flaw that needs critical attention.

Then again I don't know how geniuses brains work. They could go through the bible sized book in a minute and have the ability to go through everything in detail without missing anything.

But then again I think they may also be so busy with their other projects that may not have the time or the inclination to go through the hard fork changes and reconcile them with the announced changes.

What do you say?