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Pob world of the week : What solitude means in my book

solitude can equally be a state of mind of feeling alone ,you may be with the crowd and still be alone ,you may be alone and still not feel alone

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Solitude means many things ,it means loneliness,as in loneliness when you lack someone to be with ,you find it hard to talk to someone ,you are still alone even when you are with someone because they never feel that space you want ,,those people you really need to occupy the space they never did

Solitude also means withdraw,when you withdraw from what you are already doing because he never made you happy anymore ,the more you did it the more you feel it's never bring the real satisfaction you want ,when you lack satisfaction from what you are doing, i don't think there is need for doing it anymore , withdrawal is almost important

Peace,when you try to find peace in anything you are doing ,when you choose peace of mind over heartbreak,when you respect your peace than anything Else or anyone else ,when you prefer to be alone with your peace than rather be with someone who never gave you the peace you wanted

Emptiness birth boredoms,when you do all things all day but still never satisfied with what you do ,you still feel you are not doing the right thing or you never met the right person that will make you fees alive ,or you never see someone that will make you happy as you wanted

Solitude also means privacy ,this means respecting your privacy than anything else ,it means telling people what they want to hear but not what you don't want them to know about you ,not telling people about your plan because they may block it ,you believe human are evil

I believe solitude is about respecting yourself, it's about giving yourself value when people don't appreciate your value, solitude is about respecting your privacy whenthey don't respect your present ,it's about telling people this is what you really want and stand by it,

it's about telling people this is how you want to be treated because the way you value yourself that is the way people gonna values you

Apologize for late entry ,thanks for stopping by and read my post

