AIDS, Covaids, covid. Connect the dots.

There have been many hints and clues as to the similarity between what's been going on this last 2 years and what went on in the 80's with AIDS and hiv. If you haven't spotted it yet watch this short speech and let it wash over you like a bucket of icy water....

hint: P R O T O C O L
I've also heard from a few insightful medical staff that protocols are what is killing people. This ties in well with what I'm constantly shouting about. Disease is not the killer it's what they do to you in hospital that kills. Their own stats reveal this when they tell us doctors are the number 3 killer today, which I actually dispute because they do not count deaths from heart disease and cancer TREATMENTS. When you count those in too Iatrogenesis IS THE NUMBER ONE KILLER TODAY. What is iatrogenesis? Death by medicine. Check this hospital worker who explains exactly why people are 'dying' or actually being murdered.....
(illustration only link below)

Old headlines-
New Headlines-

Do you see it now? Do you see it?
More similarities - PCR testing, false positives, no virus isolation, Fauci, heavy marketing, research funds to big pharma, fear-mongering and death counts, celebrity endorsements etc etc
If not Q + A below..........
If someone could let me know how to embed bitchute video's on here I'd appreciate it, thanx.

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