My banana plantation

Hello everyone , I'm excited to be here in this community.

This morning i want to share with you guys dome reports of my Banana farm, its one of the fruit in Nigeria and across the world consumed by all. The botanical name for banana is Musa spp. which belongs to the family of Musaceae and it is a monocotyledon plant.
Banana is a delicious fruit which taken by into the body it nourishes the body and give the body a good look and it can be combined with other fruits to eat. I planted banana last year and am so amazed that the banana has started bringing out it's fruit. Banana is a common fruit eaten both in Nigeria and across the world. I like eating banana, that is why I planted it. Banana is one of my favorite fruit. I like eating ripe banana in the morning before taking my breakfast and i really enjoy it with groundnut.
I do plant banana every raining season of the year and after one year my banana will start bringing the wonderful and amazing fruit which you guys have seen here. Unripe banana is green in color while ripe banana is yellow in color. Bananas provide vitamins and minerals e.g potassium which helps the body to function well. Banana helps to prevent cancer and it builds the immune system.

Two main types of leaf streak disease endanger the banana industry: Black Sigatoka and Yellow Sigatoka. And how do you control banana disease. Plantation sanitation, good drainage and proper spacing reduce the incidence of this disease. And one way to prevent Black Sigatoka is by remove or burn infected leaves or at least stack them, so the spores cannot be discharged from the lower leaves in the stack.

Banana plants do best in protected areas, because they are susceptible to wind damage.
People with late-stage kidney failure need to closely monitor potassium consumption. Foods high in potassium also can interfere with some medications for high blood pressure and heart failure. Eating too many bananas (or other high-potassium foods) can cause excess potassium in the body, also called hyperkalemia. Banana is a heavy fruit and our stomach takes a lot of time to digest it. This is because our metabolism is the lowest at night. Eating bananas at night might lead to stomach issues.

Thank you everyone for reading my post.

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