Planting Some Bell Pepper and Green Chili on Egg Trays :)

A few days ago, mama and I tried another method of germination. While waiting for our seedlings to grow more and bear some veggies, we decided to work on the seeds mama tried to dry.

These were the seeds as they were in the process of drying. We're not very sure if they'd turn out okay, though.

After a couple of weeks, the seed dried up and so we decided to plant them. While mama was watching some gardening videos online, she stumbled upon a germination way which was quite unique and easy, so we decided to try it. It's germinating seeds on egg trays. Let's start!

First things first... we prepared the soil we are going to use in planting the seeds. We mixed in some fertilizer, rice husks, soil, water and some dried tea leaves. We can't use the bag since we're putting them on egg trays, so we just sprinkled the contents. It's said to function both as a fertilizer and more water retention.

Now that we're done with the soil, what's left is to transfer the already mixed soil into the egg tray.

We used two separate trays. One for the green chili and the other for the bell pepper.

We filled the tray half way, placed in some seeds and then fill with soil again. After that, we placed it at the back of our house where we keep the other seedlings. :)

The full one is bell pepper while the other egg tray has the green chili. It's been about 3 days since then, but there isn't any signs of life, yet. However, the chili seeds we planted last time took a couple of weeks before sprouting, so hopefully by then, they'd start doing so as well.

We haven't re-planted to new sprouts yet since they're still very small, but when we do... I'll definitely share an update.

That's it for now. Thanks a lot for reading and for being with me in our garden journey! See you around! (^^,)/

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