Our Small Community Garden... The Transformation.. <3

Before the super typhoon Odette happened last December 2021, our community had this small place where we built our "purok" where we often hold meetings and kids do their homework, etc. However, that small space has been barren after the super typhoon destroyed the purok.

So, last month we and the other community members decided to utilize that small space and make it into our community garden.

This was how it looked a year after we took out the destroyed "purok".

A few days after we decided to use the place, some community members started
getting rid of some weeds and try to get the land ready for planting.

We got rid of some of the ornamental plants. We placed them in other places in the community.

There are some chickens and ducks which sometimes go through the fence because it was too open before, so Kuya Rolly, one of the residents here placed some bamboo sticks in order to prevent them from easily getting inside.

It's now ready for planting!!!!

Kuya Rolly and his wife started planting some okra, malabar spinach, chili, eggplant, etc. in the community garden. We also gave some of our tomato, okra and lettuce seedlings to be transferred there.

I took the photos above last week. The plants they planted were growing well, but so were the weeds. We have to get rid of the growing weeds, so the vegetables we planted would grow more.

So, last Saturday afternoon, Mama, I and some kids in the neighborhood decided to maintain the garden. We agreed to do so every Saturday afternoon, so the plants would grow well in our community garden.

It was hard work, but also very fun and enjoyable because of the kids. We took out the weeds and added more garden soil and planted more plants. We also took out some of the rocks in the area.

We also planted some moringa on the sides. Papa and Kuya Rolly wanted to do some landscaping next weekend, so what you see now might change or be enhanced again.

However, it's indeed really exciting to anticipate the future progress of our community garden. I'll update you with its further transformation in the coming weeks or even months. Same goes with our home garden.

Thanks a lot for checking this out and see you around! (^^,)/

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