Let's plant vegetable plants like round eggplant in our yard

Let's grow crops in our yard such as round eggplants or Thai eggplants and they are very suitable for consumption with our own family and save costs for shopping for vegetables at the market.
Round eggplant or Thai eggplant is a very popular eggplant variety in Indonesia. Round eggplants have a round shape and are smaller in size compared to ordinary eggplants. This eggplant is also known to have a soft flesh texture and sweet taste.

Round eggplant or Thai eggplant is very suitable for planting in the home garden because it can grow well in pots or small gardens. Apart from that, eggplant also has fiber and nutritional content that is good for body health.
According to a Google search for round eggplant or Thai eggplant, the fiber contained in round eggplant is beneficial for digestion, reduces the risk of heart disease, and helps lower blood sugar levels. Apart from that, eggplant also contains vitamin C, calcium, iron and fiber which are important for maintaining a healthy body.

Planting round eggplants in your yard is also an environmentally friendly choice like the ones I am planting now. By growing your own vegetables at home, we can reduce the use of plastic and chemicals commonly used in commercial vegetable production. Apart from that, the eggplants that I grow myself in my yard are certainly fresher and healthier because they are not exposed to pesticides and dangerous chemicals because I use organic fertilizer from the waste of the animals I raise.

To plant round eggplants in your yard, we only need a pot or small area exposed to direct sunlight. Plant round eggplant seeds in pots with a fertile soil mixture and apply organic fertilizer regularly. Make sure the eggplant plants get enough water and keep the plants clean from pests and disease. In the not too distant future, we will be able to enjoy a harvest of fresh and healthy round eggplants from our own yard, as the ones I planted are now starting to harvest their first fruit.

By planting round eggplants or Thai eggplants in your yard, apart from being able to enjoy fresh and healthy vegetables, we can also contribute to preserving a friendly environment. Come on, friends, let's plant round eggplants in our yard and make gardening a style. healthy and environmentally friendly living.

That's all, above, a little discussion about planting round eggplants in the yard, hopefully it's useful for all of us. Thank you for visiting my new blog.

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