Pest on vegetables leaf

Hello everyone here, Good evening trust you all have a great day I want to share with you guys how pest damage my vegetables leaves in my small garden close to the house.

Today I went to my garden that is closed my house to get vegetable leaf so that I can cook because this weekend I need to prepare soup and I noticed how pest have damage my vegetables leaf and this is how my vegetables leaf look yellowish due to the way the pest damage . I have been Monitoring my vegetables from the first day I planted it, and it has been helpful ever since I planted it still this stage and suddenly I discovered this damage by pest on my vegetables leaf.

This happens at the process were the plant as growth to the stage were my leaf have got mature to the extent of producting fruits for planting and pest have damage my vegetables leaf i don't know how to start controlling it to safe my vegetables so I can raise it with palm boom stick it can Bear fruit again when it time.

The best method or way I am going control pest on my leaf i have to be applying ashes on my vegetables leaf everyday morning this will help to control pest from the leaf and in my next post I will give you guys a fix back on how it goes.

Thank you for stopping by

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