How to maintain my water yam with the help of a bamboo sticks

Greetings guys

How are you all doing today, hope you are doing well, and great.
Today is another day and it happens to be Friday, (weekend) and i want to sharing on how i maintain my water yam with the help of a bamboo sticks.

It was really sad that all of my water yams was really growing on a beautiful and nice way, growing so fast and it was really had for me to picked them up with a bamboo sticks or any strong sticks that will be posible to get so fast but since it was not available then i keep on managing the down graden space, within this period of time water yams are really costly, some restorant people really like them just to prepare for their customers, so those that plant them needs to take good care of them and maintain them in a good proper way.

The only way that i normally maintain them is to used a bamboo sticks to raise them up to give them a better life to live and make them grow very long till time that they will be ready to harvest, and the most part of it now it that this bamboo sticks are really hard now to buy, and they are so costly, so after they have grown so long i now bought as bamboo sticks and raised them up.

So this is the normal ways of maintaining a water yam and this way give them a better way of living and growing very well, and it is my duty to check on them time to time incase the rain falls will not bits them down and also weeds the garden so that the unwanted plant will not disturb them.

Thank you all for reading through my post., see you all in my next post, remain bless.

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