Estimating The Efficacy Of An Ethnoveterinary Medicine For Sustainable Animal Husbandry practices in Northern Ghana

Greetings to everyone on this page, It's my hope that everyone is doing well by the grace of God. As a newbie, this is my first time making a post on this noble of community full of agriculturist and people with the mindset of agriculture and I believe I'm warmly welcomed as agriculture has always been my passion and moreover I'm a trained extension agent who studied General agriculture in the agricultural college and studied Bachelor of science in agriculture technology at the University and also have worked with Ministry of food and agriculture and some NGOs on some projects relating to agriculture so I find this platform as plus to network and learn more from people so collectively we can always make great impacts.
This experiment seeks to estimate the efficacy of an ethnoveterinary medicine for sustainable animal husbandry practices in some selected rural areas in Northern Ghana.
And this is sponsored and supported by ACDEP(Association of church development projects) and NGO based in Tamale which works towards improving the livelihoods of the rural poor and collaboratively with the Animal research, Agricultural Extension and Veterinary service departments of the Ministry of food and agriculture.
Conversations with one of the farmers....A visit to "Kpandu"




The experiment seeks scientifically validate selected Ethnoveterinary medicine innovations in animal disease control.
As part of the implementation, an on-farm experiment to assess the effects of an EVM innovations and also try the use of a herbal preparation from Bombax costatum (Silk cotton tree) and Evolvulus alsinoides (Dwarf morning Glory) produced for the prevention and treatment of Newcastle disease of poultry.
This experiment employs a randomised design and uses Newcastle disease vaccine for prevention and other treatments for prevention and treatment.
To achieve regular monitoring and supervision ,my service was needed with the help of the veterinary officer in charge to always pick samples just to make sure we are able to test the effectiveness of innovation.
Tagging of birds
and using dye on them for identification.


Some birds drinking from water trough mixed with some doses of the medicine

One of the sick birds, it showed symptoms of circling, loss of appetite and restless so it was taken to the lab for examination.


Neighbors who were not part of the experiment recorded so many deaths as a result of a strange disease.



I took records of the category of chicken(Chicks,Weaners and adult birds).
*Number of sick birds.
*Signs and symptoms of sick bed (Torticollis, circling, tremor, paralysis, greenish watery diarrhea, loss of appetite, respiratory disease and others)
*Number of deaths
*Causes of deaths
*Number of losses
*Causes of losses
*Reasons for off takes
*Additions and final number.
This observations are made regularly on every visit just to be able to know if the medicine is really working effectively to be able to draw conclusions and this practice will be repeated continuously for some period of time.
As time went on, farmers who were not part of the experiments experienced so many losses due to Newcastle and some other diseases but for my farmers that was given the doses of this medicine, one could testify it was a great treatment that made the birds well and kicking and always active as compared to other birds who were not on the experiment. Even though I recorded some deaths and off takes but it was as a result to some strange diseases but not Newcastle so I can vividly say that the medicine made impacts on curbing issues with regards to frequent mortalities as a result of Newcastle.
I just showed you a very good medicine that can do away with Newcastle so you can try that out with you are into poultry farming.

Bombax Costatum (silk cotton tree) and Evolvulus absinoides(Dwarf morning Glory) does the magic... Try it out.
Thanks for reading!!

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