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The Reptile animal on the Star fruit Tree

Hello..friend hive good health. I will write about reptile animals,behind the house there is a small yard planted with several plant.

One of which is a fruit star fruit tree. This star fruit tree is not high,only thick branches and leaves, like every day I see and give star fruit fertilizer that fruit grows festile.

But eyes fixed on one of the tree branches these is a reptile snimal, this teptile does not know where it come from. But these reptile are like some kind of igwana.

Tree lizard or londok this animal is a family of lizards that live in tropical regions such as Indonesia and many be come pets. That is has a crest under the jaw,as in roogter,a row of scales called a spike line the top of the reptile's body from the body color of this reptile is quite varied.

Such as green,red,moss green and other colors. Iguanas are animals that are well adapted to tree lizards, and these animals are plant eaters or herbivores. But they need animal nutrition such eating the small insects that are on the plants the eat.

After I took a photo of this reptile ,they suddenly jumped,not knowing where it had gone. Thank you.