My favorite workout; cultivating soil

I had written a post about today's community dramas and resolutions, starring my room mate, the host, and myself, but I think it's been enough of those things and I'm just going to share with you today's work which was quite fun. If anyone is interested in the drama though ask me in the comments and I'll share with you what I wrote 🤭

Finally, some building! These days had been mainly mowing grass and pulling out plants that don't go along with the agricultural program, which wasn't a lot of fun.

Here we made a simple structure for vermiculture. It was basically just stacking branches and logs, and securing them with stakes at the corners. Nothing fancy, but it works.

Then a big plastic sheet and that's it, good to go, or "presto" as they say here in Brasil.

Then it's time to load it up. There's a lot of grass clippings in the process of composting here which I had to load up on the wagon. Since I'm in quest for becoming stronger, it was a great workout which I did very consciously of my body and the muscles I was using.

When feeling tired, I would increase the intensity and breath more, getting a refreshing second wind. I swear, I don't understand why people go to the gym where the waste resources, instead of farming which creates more wealth.

I even did some extra time and filled up two and a half wagons. Lots of organic matter to feed that soil, and those tasty veggies.

Afterwards it was necessary to put everything in the structure we built earlier. More workout.

I feel a lot of muscle pain right now, but the good one, the satisfying feel when you know you're not hurt, just getting stronger 💪

Good night and thanks for existing

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