My friend Denis, known as @denisdenis here on HIVE, works in the fields between Medulin, our hometown, and Pula, the nearest city.


I was sitting in front of the PC screen, busy sorting and editing some photographs taken a couple of weeks ago when I got the message in the Facebook messenger. It was Denis, writing from his phone, asking me if I have a bit of time to spare.


I answered in my usual, ambiguous way. With an " I don't know. Maybe. What's up" that leaves plenty of space for accepting or declining after hearing what the other person has to say. He told me that he is in the field, with a couple of colleagues. The sun is high, he said, and a cold beer could help us a lot.
It sounded like a reasonable request, so I agree to pass by the supermarket at the edge of town, buy some beer, and drive four or five kilometers more, to reach the plowed fields by the side of the road.

I left the car in the shade of the old oak tree ...


... and walked towards the machinery that was unusually quiet under the strong sun. It was time for lunch, so Denis and his coworkers were hidden in the shade provided by the truck. He took the beer, gave me the money I spent on the drinks, and disappeared behind the tractors.


It was planting time for cabbages. Here you can see the young plants waiting for another round of water.

Fifty meters or so from there, this machine that, from a certain angle, looks like a robot was spraying water on another part of the large field. This water-puking thing ...


... was connected to another thing, and then, from that piece of machinery ...


... the pipes were leading to the source of subterranean water.

These bales of hay ...

... were laying on the neighboring meadow.

On the way back home, I stopped along the main road, a little less than a kilometer from the fields. From there, with a little help from the zoom of my camera, I was able to photograph Denis and the cabbage crew in the shade of the truck.


And that's it. This unexpected situation with cabbages & beer didn't last long, so the post has to be pretty short.


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