A sad start of gardening season 2021 / 悲しいガーデニングシーズンのスタート

When I went out to garden to remove old plants this morning, I couldn't find my gardening gloves in a shared storage place. It was 25 Euro and the most expensive one in my life. I liked the gloves as it protected my hand well from thorns of berry plants and others. I felt down ...

I learned I should keep valuable items in our cellar instead of keeping them in a shared storage place without a lock.

In the end, I ordered the same one.

Good thing was that I found garlics and flower bulbs start in the garden. It will be a good gardening season. I look forward warm sunny spring 🌱

(Another sad thing: I thought about putting a note on a message board at the entrance of our apartment "Did you see my gardening gloves somewhere?". My partner said "it's redundant." No one may response but I was hurt the "redundant" word ... )



でもいいこともあって、にんにくや春咲の球根から芽が出ていました。良いガーデンニングシーズンになりますように :)

余談: 共用部のメッセージボードに「誰かグローブ見ませんでしたか?」と張り紙をしたいなと言ったら、父ちゃんに「それはredundantだから」と切り捨てられ、これまた悲しかったです。Redundantって、、、もうちょっと言いようがあると思うのだけど・・・。

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