Farmer' hard work has paid off and maize is being sold at high prices

A farmer is happiest when he gets the fruits of his labor. The farmer works hard day and night to grow his crop and call the harvest and then wait for the good rate of the corn crop. He does it and puts it in his warehouse. As soon as the rate is right and according to his calculations, he sells it. Now these corn kernels are being sold and the farmer gets the fruits of his labor.

Our region's corn harvest is perfect and in a unique way because our region's clean water is applied to the corn crop, so the corn kernels are distinct and clean and different factories like this corn. And they make their company's product by buying it at a good rate. These corn kernels are completely dry because three months ago they were stored inside the warehouse and now they are being sold in the cellar after getting a good rate. According to the weight, the average yield of maize is around 100 maunds per acre and due to the good rate, now its price has increased by four hundred rupees according to Pakistani rupees.
And if the dollar is calculated, the Pakistani rupee is 236, then one dollar is made, and you can see the grains of corn.

Maize is carried in sacks and a sack weighs about 50 kg. The empty trolley is weighed and then the sacks of maize are loaded into the trolley and weighed again. According to this, the farmer gets money and the laborers who work get wages. The laborers pick up sacks and load them in the trolley. When they load trolleys, they sweat and they do powerful work. I was very surprised to see them. It is a very hard work that they are doing

The empty gutka that is removed from the shell of maize is also useful. This gutka of one acre is sold for around eight thousand rupees. And if you don't want to sell it, instead of burning wood at home, you can burn it for cooking

Maize is being loaded on the tractor trolley. The shape of sacks is about four hundred sacks can be loaded on this trolley. It goes to the factories, the work of the tractor-trolley is done within the limits of 6 to 12 kilometers, and the corn is sent by changing the packing on the highway vehicles.

And after that man sells his crop and takes the money and spends some on his children and waits for the next crop and then earns other money.

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