Hello everyone and welcome to my post.

Last night was a very stressful one as I was on night duty. I did not get any rest till now.

We had three cases, one was IUCD, one was the 9th pregnancy and the other was primi G.

It was really stressful. I had to take Pepsi afterwards to take care of hypoglycemia.

The primi Gravida was circumcised which made the delivery somewhat difficult. It was an awful sight to behold and I pitied the woman. The external genitalia lacerated roughly and we had to suture gradually for about 1 hours 30 minutes.

After a long night with no sleep, we had to stand and suture the laceration for over an hour. My waist needs a vigorous physiotherapy.

Speaking of female circumcision also known as female genital mutilation/cutting, it is the partial or total removal of the external genitalia without for no medical reasons but for cultural purposes.

Being a midwife, I will say that it is the worst thing a family can ever do to their female child. DON'T DO IT. Females who are circumcised do not get coitus satisfaction and they tend to be at high risk of infection. Labour is difficult and laceration is a very common thing if they manage to go into normal delivery.

It is important to note that this can affect negatively the social and psychological wellbeing of the girl child.

We live in a modernized world and we are able to choose important cultures and traditional practices that will not endanger our lives or the lives of our women.

The laceration I saw today in the external genitalia of this patient was really something else. Instead of the genitalia to be flexible, it was rigid. A J-shaped episiotomy may be nice but it's repair is very hard and it's aftermath is something you don't want to take care of.


Meanwhile, I did my cleaning activities today and took some pictures afterwards.

Here they are below 👇

I hope you liked them.

Thank you for reading ☺️

Special thanks:


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