My cleaning activities. 15/02/24

Hello everyone and welcome to my post.

Its a new day and another opportunity to reach the goals I set for my self.

I woke up by God's Grace feeling very healthy and strong.

The heat in my country is making everyone feel like they are being smoked because it seems like the hit is increasing every single day.

There is no light, we did not win the AFCON cup, the rate of naira/dollar is going high every day, there is three pluses of corruption, the prices of things are appreciating, fuel price is like BTC when it got ETF, because it's appreciating every time, every thing is just going astray and the government is just observing.

Well, I don't want to talk ill about my government because no matter what, my home is the best and it's government is the best, just that they need to sit up and look into the "needs" of the people, not the "wants" of the people. Because why will you send your people to go play football when there are tons of things you should do with that money to elevate the lifestyle of your people? I'm not a football fan,so I heard that over 10 private jet from Nigeria was present in the finals and I asked my self, where did they got the money from? I thought Nigeria is a developing country and it's resource should be channelled towards its development?

We are the giant of Africa but not the giant of our homes. We chose to look big outside, showcase a wealthy life but we survive on expired milk inside.

The money wasted on this football march or on these private jets could be channeled into creating employment, and giving opportunities to the less privileged.

I just hope my country be a better place.

The pictures to my activities are below.

Thank you for reading

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