Cleanplanet activity. 30/04/24

Hello everyone and welcome t my post. It is a new brand day. A day with good sun rise and beautiful weather. The weather is calm as and somewhat sunny..

I slept late last night so I woke up pretty late. I woke up to a serene environment as always and I immediately did my morning prayers after which I head to do my morning routine as always.

I made breakfast, did some moderate exercise, bathed and then I went and took a lovely breakfast.

It is quite funny how the earth is a "no mans land." We come and go leaving our legacy for the next generation to continue.

We came in weak, unprotected, naked and fragile. We get nurtured, nourished, groomed and basked in education so that we can grow to be strong, smart and valued by the society because of our immense input. Some individuals tend to successfully pass through this stage and become great in life, while some tend to be inhibit by diverse factors, not excluding friends.

Gradually, we begin to think of how to procreate, thus, bring about a next generation that will take our legacies and names to the next generation. Gradually, we begin to loose cells as old age kicks in. Our body begins to loose its immense strength it had, and we begin to find it difficult to even walk properly.

After a while,we go back to where we came from as the ground will now be the house for our mortal body while our soul goes to a place we still do not know about.

The cycle of life is one beautiful thing and all I can ask for is to be able to get all the experience I can get before my body retires to where it came from (dust).

You wanna know what's even more beautiful?
Cleanplanet hehe

So, as always, I went out today to do my clean planet activity. It felt really good and I am very happy to have done it.
The pictures to it are below.

Thank you for reading and viewing.

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