Cleanplanet activity. 08/05/24

Hello everyone and welcome to my post.

It is a new day, a bright and beautiful day with lots of opportunities to reach the many goals we have set for our self.

I woke up today feeling great and healthy. I said some prayers, did my morning routines and went out for an early morning road work. I came back feeling tired but did some stretching anyways. I made breakfast afterwards, took a warm bath then came back to a hot meal.

The rise of technology is one that has constantly evolved the world. From being cave men that only think of hunting, eating, sleeping and procreation to being people who fight to get worth and value as well as lots of figures.
The technological advancement is constantly evolving the planet. We started with nothing but spears made from sharp sticks. Then we evolved to adding metals to the stick and now we have lots of advanced machinery. Flying which was seen as witchy is now the dream of every body. Well most people.

It is actually cool to see how the mindset of mankind evolved to the extent it is today. There are more things to come. Even though there are many inventions, there are still more to come.

Everything that has an advantage, always has a disadvantage. So does this technological advancement. The waste produced by these advances is gradually eradicating parts of nature. Mostly aquatic. It is like we are building a part of life while sacrificing another part.

Though I wouldn't want to remain under developed, I think something needs to be done about the waste produced by our advancements.

I know too well that it starts from a person before another person pic up the pace. For this reason, I go out always to clean the planet.

I went out today as usual and I took some pictures while at it. These pictures can be found below.

Thank you

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