Cleanplanet activity. 03/05/24

Hello everyone and welcome to my post. It is a new brand day with good sunlight. I think the light is becoming too much as every where is getting hotter by the hour.

I woke up to see a beautiful sunrise which was really amazing. Nature is really beautiful yaknow. After waking up, I did my morning routine as usual, went out for moderate exercise, came back, stretched, make break fast, took a warm shower then I came back to some good food. After eating, I decided to get some rest, then I read a book I have kept for a long time. The book was really amazing and I am happy to read it.

After reading for a while, I decided to sleep for sometime and rest my head. For a long time now, I have not actually gotten enough rest because I am always busy with one thing or the other. Before now, I did not get enough sleep eve though I slept for ten hours straight. It was really frustrating yaknow. However, this time, I got quality sleep which made me really happy. I woke up from the sleep feeling a sense of satisfaction. It was really good yaknow. After waking up I took a shower and it felt like all the nerves in my body became relaxed. I became new again. Hehe

I decided to go out for a walk afterwards. Not a long walk though because I did not want to waste the energy gotten from the sleep. Going for walks is not something I do often, so I decided to do it today that I am free and had the chance to. The walk was a nice one and it helped me stretch my legs well. I got home after the walk and I began to go through my achievements for this week. I found out that though I tried to put in efforts, my achievements for this week did surpassed that of the previous week but not with a lot of points. I tried but I am not yet satisfied. I guess I'll have to put in more efforts to make sure that I surpass my previous week.

After all these, I still went out again to do my clean planet activities as always. I took some pictures while at it and it felt real nice. The pictures can be found below.

Thank you or reading and viewing.

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