Cleanplanet activities. 14/07/24

Hello everyone and welcome to my post. It is a new day, a bright and beautiful day and I am happy to see it's beautiful rays of light.

Due to some pressing issues, I've been away for a while but I'm a kind of chanced now.

Every day presents itself with a great opportunity. Ad opportunity that is greater than that of the previous day. My junior colleagues are doing their capping (matriculation) today. Memories returned to me as I remembered when I did my own capping. It was a fun filled day. A day that is as lovely as ever. Everyone was happy as relatives came to represent us.
Well, I guess things pass by quickly. Three years has flown by and it's just a memory to me. Tsk. Time flies yaknow.

I remember the day of my calling, it was superb. The after party was really fun. We danced and had fun until we lost the strength to continue dancing. We though we have arrived yaknow. The latest nurses in town. Everything seems to be going perfectly well and we thought that our dreams was at the verge of being achieved. Well, this perspective has changed after I graduated. New dreams are born and it feels like I have not achieved anything in life. Feel like I am a loser who needs to put in extra works.

People see me and congratulate me for being a nurse but I look myself in the mirror and tell me that "you've not accomplished anything. Better get going and do something." I don't feel a thing. Well, I guess it is what it is.

I am happy for the ones that are calling today. I wish them an easy school life.

Anyhoo, I did my clean planet activity today. I took some pictures while at it
These pictures are below.

Thank you for reading.

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