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Cleaning for Health 24/05/2024

Hello friends,

Welcome to another cleaning blog, it's a brand new day and another opportunity to keep our planet clean. Today we will see how keeping our surroundings clean can be beneficial to human health. Regularly cleaning our environment can reduce rodents and insects, which are carriers of various diseases. When rodents come into contact with food, they contaminate it, and if consumed, may cause illness for an individual. However, when our environment and surroundings are constantly cleaned, it reduces these vectors.

Open dust bins and refuse dumping are breeding grounds for rodents and insects. Instead of dumping rubbish or using open dustbins, it is best to use incinerators or dustbin containers with lids. Similarly, mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. To minimize their presence, it is best to get rid of stagnant water around the home and regularly clean the gutters.

Today, I engaged in a community cleaning activity. At the end of each month, community members gather together to join hands to clean various streets either by weeding, sweeping, picking and disposing litters and even cleaning the gutters. It was fun to engage in such activity with people who understands the importance of keeping our surroundings clean.

Below are some pictures from today's cleaning activity.

