Being Productive 20/05/2024

Hello friends,

It's Monday again, the beginning of a new workweek and another opportunity to improve and clean our planet. Today has been quite dull for me as I didn't go to the office, and there are fewer chores at home, which I have already taken care of. We were supplied power as early as 5 in the morning, hence the reason I didn't go out today.

It has been frustrating trying to get some work done, as the network has been very bad for days, and it is affecting my productivity. I guess it's not just me; some of my friends have been complaining of the same thing too, and I only hope it gets better before the end of today.

Instead of lazing around, I decided to engage in my daily cleaning activity. Armed with my trash bucket and trash bag, I headed out to see what I could make of the litter in the streets. Surprisingly, there was very little litter, which is evidence of great improvement. A few days ago, the community leader made and signed a new law imposing heavy fines on people caught littering. Ever since then, people have been managing their waste just fine and disposing of it properly instead of littering. It's quite sad that the only way to get people to stop littering is by imposing heavy fines on offenders, but as far as it does the work, then it's just okay for the leaders to keep imposing those fines.

By the way, below are some pictures from my cleaning activity. Drop your thoughts in the comments section so we can interact.


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