My Clean Planet Activities Day #23

Hello everyone,

It's good to be here with you again in this beautiful Friday. If people hear Friday, people are always happy because it means weekend. I welcome you all to my blog today with a great pleasure. Let me wish you a happy weekend and I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones in your various places.

Since it is Friday, there was a lots of time to do whatever we want to do and it's yet another beautiful day and another opportunity to do what is best for us and for the planet, like I used to tell my people to always do their part in cleaning the planet even it it is little and it's my pleasure sharing with you all likely minded people on this community my clean planet activities for the day.

Like the saying that charity begins at home, I decided to do my cleaning activities within my environment because it's also part of the planet we are keeping clean. Taking part in cleaning the planet makes you to see a better environment and I also want to see the impact of my cleaning in my environment. Some people don't understand what it means to clean our environment and it sadden see many people ignoring this responsibility.

It's sadden to see people litter the environment instead of cleaning, so I am trying to do my best to do the little I can do because I know I can not do everything alone, I can only do little.

Thanks to those who initiate this clean planet activities, I was able to show my cleaning activities here everyday and it makes people to take up their responsibility and know that we should always make our environment clean not for us alone but also for the generation to come.

Let me take you on a ride to my today's cleaning activities, it was done within my community, this is my today 19th of January, 2024 clean planet activities.

A big Thanks to

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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