A little effort we put in saving the planet

Hi!! Good evening friends, hope we're doing great?

Don't you my friends think that our health is of paramount for us to do great? How can we achieve this goal of doing fine if not to keep our place of habit clean? It's been really mind draining to see most people ignore proper disposal of wastage. Just five days ago a visit an eatery when it was time for closure and the wanted to dispose their waste it was dropped in the heart of the city because there was no can to dispose in. What way could have been a better to dispose in this situation? Take it back or drop it as did? A little effort needs to be put in place to make them how important it is to dispose in a rightful way.

Please go through how i picked and disposed my waste with the pictures below to know how you can dispose yours. No matter how little we pick we will be doing ourselves good, saving ourselves and the planet.

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