I'm excited to share with you my cleaning activity for today being Tuesday. When we are alive, we must learn to return thanks to God for everything. The day actually began with a sweet moment with the Holy Spirit where I observed my morning devotion before I proceeded with the general devotion with my parents. All the two sessions were superb to God's glory.

There was a heavy rain some days back which affected most of us and farms as well but God is faithful in all. I have been under the weather and the cold almost affected my eyes as well but God remains faithful. It has really subsided now. Despite that I have no excuse on carrying out my cleaning activity because of the importance it has to my life and family.

Maintaining clean environment in this rainy season is very important because of care isn't taken, some places could easily become habitat for reptiles or other dangerous insects. Therefore it's expedient that one must carefully do the cleanplanet activity no matter how the weather might be.

I was able to pick some dirts around the surrounding and disposed them appropriately. There are pictures snapped to show how everything was done. Happy viewing.

Thanks to @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @solarisfuture.

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