My Compound Cleaning Exercise 9 /11/23

It is a beautiful day and I am very excited about this opportunity for life. I thank the Almighty for His care. Am starting my Cleaning right from my Garbage dump where I will be separating the plastics from the degradable wastes. @cleanplanet below is where I dump the refuse waiting for the day I will burn them. I got there at about 8:40am today.

At 8:50am I started separating the plastic bottles. Here am keeping them aside.

Now my sweeping begins here at 9.00am

By 9.03am to about 9.08am I gathered more wastes:

Sweeping continues to 9:12am to 9:20am with this results

This US what I gathered for today at about 9:22am to 9:30am

Many thanks to:


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