With The Trash Bucket Again.

Hello there planet friends! It's time to pick that trash!
It's a good day to act responsibly by helping out to preserve the wonderful planet Earth. Picking up trash is one of the small sanitation steps that make a huge impact on the environment. Today was quite gloomy but that is in no way stopping me from accomplishing my mission to clean up the neighborhood. Our logo right now is our trash bucket, whenever we pick it up, you already know a good work is about to be done.

As usual, the street was really loaded with a lot of trash lying here and there, waiting to be picked up and that is exactly what I did. If you look through the pictures, you would notice that I even found a broken bottle piece during my cleaning, which would be potentially very dangerous had someone stepped on it. When people throw things around like that, they don't even think about what effect it will have on the environment or even on people around.

They may think dropping just one snack wrap won't make any difference but then, everyone now starts dropping theirs and the whole place becomes dirty and unkempt.The only way to keep trash from causing harm is to make sure to dispose waste properly and to join hands in keeping the streets clean everyday. Much loves to everyone doing this work everyday, you are amazing!

Lets look at what I did today


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