My activities for clean planet day I. Sunday 29, 2023.

Hello friends. I am so excited to be in a community that cares about the well being of the people in it. When I first heard of this community from @hivebed I became curious to know how things are done here. When I came over here I noticed that it is all about keeping your environment very clean. I thought that it will be a good idea to be here. If not for anything at least to make sure that my environment is well kept.

I did went out and check everywhere to see where I can get some dirty around. I saw some dirty things around and decided to pick them up to make the whole place neat.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

Sunday 29, 2023.

The picture below shows how i throw the dirty in a waste bin.

Sunday 29, 2023.

All the images belongs to me.


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