The Kidney Garden Spider

Today I am back with some macro shots of a beautiful spider called kidney garden spider. Araneus mitificus is its scientific name and its size was about 12-15mm. I discovered it in a garden sitting on a leaf. It formed web around it and sitting calmly on that leaf. When i noticed it i decided to photograph it. I gently picked up the leaf on which it was sitting and tried to take some macro shots of it. I was lucky that it didn't move while i was photographing it.

So i managed to get some decent shots of it from different angles. I captured its images with my mobile's macro lens. Its a beautiful spider and it has unique black mark on its back. This was my second time I captured its images.

After clicking it i did some editing to its pictures with the help of a software to make them more attractive. It looks beautiful in macro images. Now I'm going to share its pictures with you guys. Hope you like it...

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